Most factories and manufacturers focus on security in the production line and ignition risks in critical locations like warehouses, inventory, laboratory, etc. Below are some challenges:
- Access is hardly controlled or managed;
- Time attendance is time consuming and ineffective;
- Illegal intrusion results in less security or losses;
- Unauthorized access to critical locations like BoD, machine rooms, server room, etc is hardly controlled or managed.
TrueSecurity in manufacturing will handle all these issues.
Application of TrueSecurity ensures:
- Access Control: At the factory gate, the smart access control system combined with automatic barrier cards will limit jams at the parking places. Security cameras help to identify vehicle information and access durations to reduce losses. The system also allows to identify vehicle license plates, human faces or cards to keep distances as one of the pandemic prevention measures. Additionally, the system can be integrated with temperature checkers at the gate of the factory.
- Intrusion Alarm: At the factory fences, TrueSecurity is equipped with infrared capability to enable night view, identification and warnings of illegal intrusion.
- Time attending and Access control: Time attendance machines can store large quantity of data about vehicle license plates, human faces, cards or related events, functioning as a base for HRs to control personnel work time. Time attendance machines integrated with access control can help managers to prevent intruders.
- Security cameras: The security camera system with image focused and sound supported functions will help managers to watch the production line. From the central control room, various departments or units can be watched at the same time.
- Access control at authorized only places: With smart locks using biometric technology, face ID or smart cards, access to authorized only places like BoD, machine rooms, server room, etc can be controlled. This helps prevention of losses, data leak or disturbances.

Additionally, after verification of alerts, all the information will be directed to authorized personnel via smart phones so that actions can be decided on time to reduce disasters.
Benefits of TrueSecurity
- Effective management and watching: With the security system, a wide area can be watched and checked from the central control room, resulting in need for physical watch.
- Lower losses: Incidents like intentional destruction, illegal intrusion, etc can be found so that actions can be decided on time.
- Higher work performance: Production line watch, personnel work or personnel training can be done to improve the total performance.
- Safe work: Application of the security system helps personnel to proactively commit regulations on safety and HSE.