OFFPIPE is a sophisticated, finite element method based computer program in stress analysis. It has been developed specifically for the modeling and structural analysis of nonlinear problems encountered in the installation and operation of offshore pipelines.
Analysis capabilities include:
- Static and dynamic pipe laying analyses for many laybarge and stinger configurations, both conventional, reel-lay and J-lay.
- Tính toán ứng suất đường ống, độ dài nhịp và độ lệch theo nhiều địa hình đáy biển khác nhau.
- Phân tích tĩnh quá trình nâng chuyển (davit-lift) trong việc lắp đặt ống đứng (riser) và các đấu nối (tie-in) dưới đáy biển

Key Functions
Static pipelay analyses for a broad range of pipelay vessel and stinger configurations, including both conventional pipelay, reel-lay and J-lay.
Calculate the pipe stresses in the overbend and sagbend, determines the pipe angle and curvature at the vessel stern and stinger tip, and calculates the position of touchdown point.
Static davit-lift analyses for conventional riser installations and subsea tie-ins.
Performs dynamic analyses for regular and random seas
Perform 2D and 3D simulation
Perform nonlinear, 2-dimensional static analyses for a pipeline, up to several kilometers in length, that is lying on an irregular seabed.
The seabed profile is specified using a series of (X,Y) coordinates to define the seabed elevation at points along the pipeline route. These coordinates can be entered by the user or taken from an actual survey data file
Span analyses consider the effects of the pipe’s fluid contents, internal and external hydrostatic pressure, and thermal expansion.
Identify all pipe spans and calculates the deformed pipe geometry, unsupported span length(s), separation between the pipe and the seabed, and internal forces and stresses or strains in the pipe.