
In a world of limited resource, the business goal is to be efficient and cost-effective. In process safety, preventing all possible loss of containment scenarios would come at disproportionate cost to the business. Risk management is the practice of ensuring risks are reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), which means making investments in the areas where it matters most.

Key Differentiators

Cost-benefit analysis

Fire and explosion risk assessment (FERA)

Occupied buildings risk assessment (OBRA)

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA)

Risk-based design

Sensitivity analysis

Key Functions

Manage risk throughout the asset lifecycle: Safeti models both consequences and risks in one interface, giving you the means for effective management of your hazards.

Evaluate key risk metrics for LARP demonstration: With flexible ways to setup your study and perform sensitivity studies, it’s easy to evaluate the impact of risk reduction measures identified as part of your ALARP demonstration process.

Risk-based design for cost-effective operations: Safeti supports easy identification of the highest risk contributors, so that meaningful mitigation measures can be proposed by your stakeholders and evaluated further for their risk impact.

Occupied buildings risk assessment: 3D Explosions module provides 3D explosion analysis; building vulnerability modelling; overpressure and thermal radiation exceedance curves; frequency contours for consequence effects.

“With the use of Safeti, we have extended our specialist expertise in quantitative risk analysis for gas transmission pipelines. This allows us to enter whole new business areas regrading QRAs”,

Dr. Urban Neunert – Technical safety expert, ILF Consulting Engineers.