M.App Enterprise engages the “Monitor – Evaluate – Act” paradigm. The platform allows you to easily monitor real-world changes, evaluate the impact, and act on the results. M.App Enterprise provides a unified geospatial enterprise platform that enables customers and partners to configure vertical solutions for their markets and industry segments.
M.App Enterprise lets you smartly monitor infrastructure, traffic, land parcels, and any assets by processing all your sensor, weather, and operational data in a single platform. Leverage machine learning algorithms, visualize the results in 2D and 3D in interactive dashboards, and set up workflows for fieldworkers to capture information on mobile devices.

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Build Rich Client Web-based and Mobile Apps

Configure Smart M.Apps in 2D and 3D, integrated with a set of predefined BI widgets. Access from anywhere with the mobile application, even in areas without internet access.

Connect to Any Spatial Data Source

Connect to your data in its native format – no conversion necessary. Support for file-based data, web services, databases, ERP Systems, and more.

Set up Business Workflows

Create workflows that run daily in the enterprise environment. Implement rules for feature-level access control, data validation, and integration into other systems.

Geoprocessing Engine

Run spatial models with hundreds of functions, analytical routines and algorithms, including machine learning algorithms.

Administer Role-Based Access

Administrators can assign roles, build and customize apps, and view statistics. User management is available out of the box or can integrate with your existing authentication system.

Case Studies

Developing Analytics Capabilities for the Aquaculture Industry

Aquafarmers can now bypass GIS and other technical requirements to access daily product growth forecasts, market price trends, environmental parameters, and risk analysis to optimize their operations, all from Rheticus Aquaculture, a cloud-based enterprise application.

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Rheticus® Displacement Monitors the Health of Underground Infrastructure from Space

Identifying where leaks in underground pipelines occur is a vital and expensive task. Satellite radar technology can give a good predictive indicator for where this may be occurring by measuring where the ground is subsiding around the pipeline. Planetek Italia uses the power of the Hexagon Smart M.App to build and deploy Rheticus® Displacement, a cloud-based geoinformation service designed to deliver accurate satellite-based data and information for the monitoring of ground surface movements.

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Increasing Safety and Government Transparency in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

For the US state of Louisiana’s capital city Baton Rouge, various departments needed to use their existing enterprise GIS data in its native format, but also incorporate other data sources such as financial and 311 citizen request-for-service data in order to analyze and report findings to make better resource allocation decisions. In the web-based enterprise solution, they use cross-filtering capabilities to explore data from multiple charts simultaneously to analyze location-based questions, such as blighted property data and tax-exempt revenue losses.

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